No More Open non-HTTPS sites

From 24 July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Google Chrome prominently marks all non-HTTPS websites as 'Not Secure' in its years-.long effort to make the web a more secure place for Internet users.

So if you are still running an insecure HTTP website, many of your visitors might already be greeted with a 'Not Secure' message on their Google Chrome browser warning them that they can't trust your website to be secure.

By displaying 'Not Secure,' Google Chrome means that your connection is not secure because there is no SSL Certificate to encrypt your connection between your computer and the website's server.

So, anything sent over a non-HTTPS connection is in plain text, like your password or payment card information, allowing attackers to snoop or tamper with your data.

Timeline of Not Secure Warning on Google Chrome

This significant transition has not occurred overnight, Google intentionally processed it slowly over the period of a few years to give website admins enough time to move their sites over to a secure connection.

Initial Stage - Starting with the release of Chrome 56 in January 2017, Google began its mission to make the web a more place by displaying 'Not Secure' warning in the address bar for those HTTP websites that collect passwords and credit card information on their customers.

Transitional Stage - Later in October 2017 with the release of Google Chrome 62, the web browser started labelling all those websites as an insecure HTTP site as well as on all HTTP pages visited in Incognito mode, where users may higher expectations of privacy.

Final Stage - On 24 July 2018, Google has released Chrome 68, giving the entire web a push towards secure and encrypted HTTPS connections by marking all websites that do not use the secure HTTPS encryption as 'Not Secure', even if they don't handle sensitive data, communications, or information.

What Next? Move Your Site to HTTPS

  • HTTPS improves Google rankings ans SEO
  • HTTPS imoroves website security and privacy
  • HTTPS increases credibility and improves customer confidence
  • HTTPS improves website speed, as HTTP2 is faster than HTTP
  • HTTPS makes surfing over public Wi-Fi safer 
  • HTTPS is now free!
If you do not yet have SSL implemented yet, your website with the Not Secure warning is going to scare your visitors.

Google has also published a technical tutorial on how to migrate a website to HTTPS

Besides this, with the release of a Google Chrome 69 in September this year, the company is also planning to remove the "Secure" label on HTTPS web pages, giving users the idea that the web is a safe place by default.


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