
Top Things NOT to do in an interview

Body Language Mistakes to Avoid: 1. Not Making eye Contact. Two thirds of hiring managers (67 %) say that failing to make eye contact is one of the biggest body language mistakes job candidates make. This could be because not looking someone in the eye appear as if you're trying to hide something and are therefore untrustworthy. 2. Refusing to smile. Failing to smile is a major concern among 39% of hiring mangers. Aside from giving off the impression that you're cold or standoffish, not smiling also tells hiring mangers that you'd rather be anywhere else. 3. Playing with something on the table. One third of hiring managers (34%) have witnessed a candidate playing with something on the table during the interview. It shows a complete lack of interest in the interview - and disrespect for the manager's time. 4.Fidgeting too much in your seat. Is there some place more important you have to be? This is the message you send hiring managers when you fidget to

11 Best Places to Learn for Free Online

Today, I'm going to share a list of 11 amazing sites where you can learn just about anything for free. And the best part is that some of these sites will also give you a completion certificate. 1. MIT Open Couseware MIT OpenCourseware is run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and they offer materials from 2340 courses and (by now) boast with more than 200 million visitors to date. it include simple courses like The Anthropology of Sound and even Play writing I and an Advanced Essay Workshop. Topics: Business, Energy, Engineering, Fine Arts, Health & Medicine, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, Society, and Teaching & Education 2. Coursera Coursera co-operates with some of the world's top universities, including Stanford, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Michigan and UC San Diego 0 and more. Topics: Arts & Humanities, Business, Computer Science, Data Science, Life Sciences, Math & Logic, Personal development, Physical S

No More Open non-HTTPS sites

From 24 July 2018 with the release of Chrome 68, Google Chrome prominently marks all non-HTTPS websites as 'Not Secure' in its years-.long effort to make the web a more secure place for Internet users. So if you are still running an insecure HTTP website, many of your visitors might already be greeted with a 'Not Secure' message on their Google Chrome browser warning them that they can't trust your website to be secure. By displaying 'Not Secure,' Google Chrome means that your connection is not secure because there is no SSL Certificate to encrypt your connection between your computer and the website's server. So, anything sent over a non-HTTPS connection is in plain text, like your password or payment card information, allowing attackers to snoop or tamper with your data. Timeline of Not Secure Warning on Google Chrome This significant transition has not occurred overnight, Google intentionally processed it slowly over the period of a few

Data Transfer Project by Google

A lot of new online services ate cropping up every day, making our life a lot easier. But it is always harder for users to switch to another product or service, which they think is better because the process usually involves downloading everything from one service and then re-uploading it all again to another. Thanks to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) a legal regulation by European Union that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of users' personal information by companies - many online services have started providing tools that allow their users to download their i just one click. But that doesn't completely simplify and streamline the process if securely transferring your data around services. To make this easier for users, four big tech companies - Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter have teamed up to launch a new open-source, service-to-service data portability platform, called the Data Transfer Project. What is

Top 14 Intriguing Facts About Colors

Colors are everywhere. From our favorite shoes and clothes to the wonders of nature and outer space. Everything has color to represent. But how much do you really know about colors?? 1. The world's most popular color is According to various international studies, the world's most popular color is Blue . Based on the survey conducted by several global marketing firms, they've concluded that people worldwide picked blue(40%) as their favorite color followed by purple (14%). Through some researches also suggest that red and green are a close second and third respectively. White, Orange, and Yellow are some of the least favorite colors. 2. Red is the first color a baby sees. Recent studies have shown that infants as young as  2 weeks of age can already distinguish the color red. Probably because red had the longest wavelength among making it the easiest color to process by the developing receptors and nerves in the baby's eyes. 3.Men and Women see the w

Play with your search with Google Tricks

Google is the Home of Secrets, We revealed some google search tricks for you . Use Google as a Timer It will give you the exact time of Sunrise and Sunset for any city Feel Gravity on Google Gravity Check result of any particular website Google will search photographs from any other image Search specific file with terms on google Go to Google Images and search for "Atari Breakout" Check your flight status Quotation Marks for Exact Matches Info of a Website Flip a Coin to make Decissions Roll a Dice Find your IP Address Use search Operators to make Powerful searches                           or - This search operator is much like "either - or" concept of English.                       and - This used within a search query provides results containing both the  terms in it                       Minus(-) -    Add minus before those words you want to eliminate from your search                                           

Android Secret Codes

Secret Codes are codes that can access Hidden Menu (like Testing, Displaying Information, etc).  These codes are useful and helpful in such a way to speed up things. How to use these codes: Simply, Open Dailer and type as shown below: The Following Codes are tested on Redmi note 5 pro Device: To Enter into Engineering Mode .                       @  Goto Setting > About phone > Tap Kernal version 5 Times                 @  Dial                                          *#*#6484#*#*        2.  To access another Testing  & Information                                                  @ Goto Setting > About phone > Tab Internal Memory 5 Times                         @ Dial                                       *#*#4636#*#*        3.    To view IMEI No.                         @    Dial                                                 *#06#        4.  Send Bug Report