Top Things NOT to do in an interview
Body Language Mistakes to Avoid: 1. Not Making eye Contact. Two thirds of hiring managers (67 %) say that failing to make eye contact is one of the biggest body language mistakes job candidates make. This could be because not looking someone in the eye appear as if you're trying to hide something and are therefore untrustworthy. 2. Refusing to smile. Failing to smile is a major concern among 39% of hiring mangers. Aside from giving off the impression that you're cold or standoffish, not smiling also tells hiring mangers that you'd rather be anywhere else. 3. Playing with something on the table. One third of hiring managers (34%) have witnessed a candidate playing with something on the table during the interview. It shows a complete lack of interest in the interview - and disrespect for the manager's time. 4.Fidgeting too much in your seat. Is there some place more important you have to be? This is the message you send hiring managers when you fidget to...