
Showing posts from June, 2018

The new weapon of Mukesh Ambani: FTTH

After majority Disrupting the telecom market with freebies and cheap data, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Jio is going to unleash another weapon - Fiber to the home (FTTO). It is expected to disrupt the segment of home broadband services now. It is likely to offer an attractive combo of fast broadband services now. It is likely to offer an attractive combo of fast broadband connectivity combo of fast broadband connectivity at initial data speed of 100Mbps (With huge dollops of free data thrown in), videos and unlimited voice calls through the Vo-IP (Voice over internet protocol) route for around Rs 1,000-1,500 a month. What is FTTH? FTTH, as the name suggests, means installing the fiber cable right up to the individual building.At present, the fiber cable reaches only till the main premises while the last connections to individual homes/offices are through traditional copper cable. Why FTTH is faster? The cable used for connections to individual units is not made of f

Biggest Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attack in which multiple compromised computer systems attack a target, such as a server, website or other network resource, and cause a denial of service for users of the targeted resources. the flood of incoming messages, connection requests or malformed packets to the target system forces it to slow down or even crash and shut down, thereby denying service to legitimate users or systems. DDoS attacks have been carried out by diverse threat actors, ranging from individual criminal hackers to organized crime rings and government agencies. In certain situations, often ones related to poor coding, missing patches or generally unstable systems, even legitimate requests to target system can result in DDoS - like results. How DDoS attacks work In a typical DDoS attack, the assailant begins by exploiting a vulnerability. in one computer system and making it the DDoS master. The attack master system identifies other vulnerable syste

Wi-Fi security gets a boost as WPA3 standard is launched

The new wireless security protocol is poised to make hacking Wi-Fi connections a whole lot harder The wi-fi Alliance on Monday officially launched WPA3, a new wi-fi security protocol that is designed to enhance wireless security. The new standard "adds new features to simplify Wi-Fi security, enable more robust authentication, and deliver increased cryptographic strength for highly sensitive data markets," according to the Wi-Fi Alliance, a nonprofit group that certifies Wi-Fi networking standards. The latest iteration of WPA (short for "Wi-Fi Protected Access") comes in two flavors - personal and enterprise. They share a number of features, such as the latest security methods and the non-acceptance of legacy protocols, but each mode of operation also contains additional capabilities that take into account differences between the usages of, and requirements for, home versus enterprise networks. Key improvements One of the notable security enhancement

Hacker Leaks information of 30,000 FBI and DHS Employees

An Unknown hacker who promised to release the personal information on government employees has dum online a list of nearly 20,000 Federal bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and 9,000 Department of Homelan Secutity(DHS) officers. Through the authenticity of the information has not been verified, at least, some of the leaked data appears be legitimate. Here's What the Hacker Leaked: The Hacker leaked first round of data belonging to roughly 9,000 DHS employees on Sunday, Which was followed by the release of 20,000 FBI agents information on Monday. The hacker, who goes on Twitter by the username of @DotGovs, published the supposed data on an encrypted text-sharing website, including: Names Job titles Phone Numbers Email Addresses The Reason Behind the Hack The message at the top of the data dump includes the hashtag "#FreePalestine" and reads "Long Live Palestine, Long Live Gaza: This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza,